Permanent Staffing
We have been recruiting for our clients ranging from Fortune 500 MNCs to Start Up Ventures. We cover almost the entire diversity across domains and locations.
Industries -
IT Software / Technology
Pharma & Healthcare
Automobile/Auto Ancillary
Functions/Domains -
F&A Outsourcing
S&P and Logistics
BFSI & Investment Banking Operations
Software Development/Product Dev/Applcn Dev/ IT Support
Web Development and Maintenance
Mobile Application Development
Manufacturing - Plant Operations
HR & Support Functions
We have a "Never Say No" attitude and we take up new client engagements at priority with preferred Turn Around Time.
With many client awards and appreciations, we now look forward to expand and partner businesses across growth levels from Start Ups to an MNCs.
Professional Resume Writing
With an exclusive product offering MakeMyCv.co.in, we offer professional resume writing services to our candidates across experience levels, which help them target specific jobs available irrespective of the source.
With excellent content writers backed by the experience of highly skilled recruiters and domain experts from the industry, the end result can not be missed from being targeted by companies.
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